Der Soft Serve Hat von Chantal von Knitatude ist ein Projekt für Fortgeschrittene, gestrickt in Meripaca, Chantals Lieblings-WAK-Garn. Sie wird im Flachstrickverfahren im Diagonalstich gestrickt und ist ein schönes Projekt, um einen neuen Strukturstich zu lernen!
Bälle: x1 (Meripaca)
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Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für alle Größen in Englisch, Español, Deutsch, Français, Italiano
Ein Sticketikett
This project is worked in Meripaca. Our Meripaca results from bringing together two of our softest and high quality fibers out there! This yarn is very soft and fine, perfect for delicate knits and advanced knitters. Due to Merino's qualities, this yarn is highly absorbent, water-resistant, and insulative.
And the best part is that it is a Superwash treated yarn, which means it should be washed in the machine, using a gentle cycle program.}
And the best part is that it is a Superwash treated yarn, which means it should be washed in the machine, using a gentle cycle program.}
Knitatude was born out of the love and need of all things warm and cozy. Founded by Chantal, A 27 year old knitter and wool fiend, the philosophy behind the brand is knitting with attitude.

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